2023 Youth Cricket
After the success of our first ever All Stars Junior Cricket Course last year, we said we wanted to come back bigger and better this year
We are thrilled to announce that, as well as our All Stars Course returning in May (ages 5-8), we will be running a Dynamos Course alongside (ages 8-11).
We are super excited to see our returning All Stars, as well as welcoming new children to the club.
Priority booking for returners will open soon, so keep your eyes on our homepage for the link soon!
We may even be able to provide a bar this year!
2022 Awards Dinner
Thank you to The Bell @ Ramsbury for hosting our end of season awards dinner. Fantastic food and a fabulous evening had by all! Well done to our Sunday Team players, Chris Roberts for being awarded "Top Batsman" and Sean Evill "Top Bowler”
New Nets
Exciting times at the club, with work well underway for our new permanent nets!
We can't wait to try it out, but before then, it's a waiting game - we need to keep off it for 2 weeks to allow it to settle and for the grass seed to take, then we can have the nets erected!
If you'd like to join us for some net practice, please get in touch to find out about becoming a member.